Frequently Asked Questions
What is Trek?
Trek is a special Stake Youth Conference where participants experience a 3 ½ day reenactment of a pioneer handcart trek. The purpose of the Eastmark Stake Trek is to bring young men and young women closer to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our focus will be on contemporary issues, recognizing that youth are faced with especially pressing challenges, unique to their generation. Their ability to rely on Jesus Christ is crucial in addressing these challenges, finding joy here on earth, and eternal salvation. Trek will provide our youth with perspective, strategies, and a desire to turn to their Savior.
When will trek be held?
Trek will be held on May 28-31, 2025.
Where is the trek being held?
Trek will be held in the Sitgreaves National Forest, just north of Forest Lakes, AZ.
Who can participate in trek?
All youth living within the Eastmark Stake boundaries between the ages of 14 and 18. Those who turn 14 in 2025 and those who turn 19, and graduate from high school in 2025 are included in this definition.
How will we get to and from the trek location?
The stake has arranged to have buses take us to and from trek - leaving from the Stake Center and dropping off at the Stake Center.
What type of clothes should I be wearing?
Pioneer clothes! Please visit our What to wear and bring page for a list and description of the types of clothes you should bring. It includes links to products, photos, and ideas to purchase or make needed items and clothing.
What medical provisions are going to be provided?
There are several physicians, nurses, and other medical personnel on the trek who are dedicated to medical surveillance and treatment. They will be with the youth throughout the trek.
A medical unit will be set up at each camp.
If you are taking prescription medications, please note it on your medical form. You will be contacted prior to trek for instructions.
Medications such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, antacids, etc., will be available from your assigned nurse or at the medical unit.
What forms need to be completed prior to attending trek?
All trek attendees both youth and adults are required to Register for Trek linked here. We're going digital this year. Please let us know if you have any questions or need help.
What is a “Trek Family”?
Each young man or young woman will be assigned to a Trek Family. These individuals will lead your family for the duration of the Trek. Other members of your Trek Family will be young men and young women from the different Wards throughout the stake. There will be approximately 10 youth in each family.
How will Trek Families be assigned?
Stake leadership will prayerfully assign each youth with a trek family, taking a wide variety of factors into consideration.
May I request to be in a specific family or to have friends assigned to my family?
No. There are numerous reasons why it would be extremely challenging to try and coordinate families. We see this as a great opportunity to meet other youth in the stake and get to know them better! But please keep in mind that there will be plenty of times when the entire stake will be together.
When will I know what trek family I'm assigned to?
We will be announcing the families the first morning of trek. We're meeting at 6:30 am at the Stake Center and will be organizing into families shortly after we meet.
What will we eat?
Trek participants will be provided with snacks and three meals each day. Daily meals will be made fresh by the trek food committee to provide for appropriate protein and carbohydrates. We can assure you, you won't go hungry on this trek! If a trekker has significant food allergies, please let a member of the stake leadership know and provide details when you register. We will try to best handle specific allergies with our food committee.
What about bathroom facilities?
We will have portable toilets spread throughout the campsites and a few on the trail. We will also use the Bucks on the left, Does on the right” system when necessary along the trail.
What are the sleeping accommodations?
Each trek family will sleep under the stars, except in case of rain. Each participant will bring their own sleeping bag, but tarps will be provided.
Will there be plenty of water?
Yes! Each camp and handcart will have sufficient water for drinking and washing hands.
Is dehydration a concern?
Yes. Numerous breaks will be taken while trekking to drink water. Drink at least 8 to 10 ounces of water at every break. You will feel stronger and much better.
Why are electronic devices not allowed?
This is a tremendous opportunity to get out of the world and worldly influences. This allows for better opportunities to feel the spirit in our lives. It allows for better interaction with family members and other trek participants.
Where can I get the pioneer clothing?
Trek participants are responsible for obtaining their own trek clothing. Deseret Industries or other used clothing stores are great places to find inexpensive clothing that meets the requirements. Don’t wait until the last day to obtain the clothing. Borrow clothing from others who have been on treks.
What will we be doing other than trekking?
- Talks and devotionals
- Hoedown
- Pioneer games/activities
- Eating incredible food
- Getting to know the other youth in the stake